The online marketers rely on honest customer criticism ten principles plus ten certified partner plus five transparent steps: with this simple formula, Gunter Herrmann and his advice platform appear to restore the reputation of Internet-based marketing consultancy. The certified social pedagogue has developed a process model with five steps to successful new customer acquisition in the Internet. All five steps are individually or in combination to book, the cost of fully transparent. His customers to give feedback after each step. Satisfied, they are not at least 80 percent pro rata returns money. The 5 steps Gunter Herrmann system is based on common sense and sales experience. It dispenses with full-bodied promise and builds on the effect of target group-oriented video landing pages and webinars.
He has formulated the philosophy of online marketing experts easy in ten principles that serve its customers as a measure of success. It allows maximum ten hand-picked partner and works consistently only online. Based on his decades of legal practice, he provides reliability and transparency to the forefront of its business strategy. “Only if it meets the customers at eye level and after each milestone requires honest feedback, you can successfully be” Diploma student Gunter Herrmann describes his approach. As founder and owner of the consulting firm specializing in organizational optimization LOGOS learning, he was repeatedly asked by its customers, whether he could recommend not a reputable provider of customer acquisition measures for the online sector. His own research made outrageous success guarantees and absolutely unrealistic promise of sales days. After is the experienced entrepreneur deeper had incorporated into the matter, he finally decided to make himself better. Online is a limited to ten license partner network of specialists. The online marketing experts to accompany individual entrepreneurs and SMEs in the Internet to gain new customers successfully and sustainably. The benefits of online marketing experts are transparent and scalable, the direct feedback of the customers is the scale of mutual success. Contact person: Gunter Herrmann CEO 36137 of Grossenluder 06648 9160101 Liobastrasse 11