EIA Impacts

Forecast impacts. Impact assessment. Comparison of alternatives. Corrective measures. Residual impacts.

Surveillance and Control program. Memory of synthesis (overview). Description of the project. The project is essential as a source of data for the EIA, since all parts of the work are included in the same, and therefore allows us to have a clear idea of each potential impact on this MA. First of all we will have to review the objectives and rationale for the project. The objectives will have to be evaluated both from the economic point of view as social. The justification refers to the real need of the project, as well as to its possible overlap with other initiatives and their efficiency and effectiveness from the point of view of the fulfilment of its objectives.

Another important aspect will be the components of the project to take into consideration: or the activities of the project and its possible alternatives. The actions of the project to analyze can translate into a tree of actions with three levels (phase of project elements that identify homogeneous parts of the project, specific actions). This tree of actions can be based on: or questionnaires General or specific for different types of projects (see example p. 286 (1) questionnaire). or consultation with panels of experts (Appendix 1, pp. 641-647 (1)). or interview in depth or pre-existing generic arrays of cause-effect relationship (see subsequent explanations of Matrices of Leopold). or generic graph of cause-effect relationships (see chapter v (1) figure IX.8). or generic models of flow. or comparative scenarios. Empirical analysis of situations where the project has been executed. The actions must be: or Concretas. or main (must adjust to the reality of the project and be able to trigger remarkable effects). or exclusions/independent (to avoid overlaps that could give rise to duplication in the accounting of the impacts). or Identificables (likely a sharper definition and easy flat envelope or process diagrams).

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