Comissode Evaluation

The proposals suggested above for the Document of the ComissoTundisi, in the sample how much we are far from reaching the longed for one and high graude difficulties in its execution in all the aspects for the lack of investimentosna research mainly the ones that are pautadas in the model of D.S, ausnciade spreading of the scientific production, insipiente cooperation technique between educational asinstituies of research and still, exactly inside dessasinstituies the cooperation between the departments many times occur of formainsatisfatria. These elements when multiplied to the aspects the technological advance and the regional autonomy burocrticostornam impracticable or impracticable. to reginar longed for and oel As suggestion to decide one of the problems in what it refers to acooperao technique as well as the spreading of the scientific production that the Comissode Evaluation of the Units of Research of the MCT understands, in summary, that asseguintes actions are basic for the integration of the desenvolvimentosustentvel of the Amaznia and to the national development: a.Consolidao and reinforcement of the dosinstitutos programs INPA, Goeldi Mamirau, and mobilization of the cientficanacional and international community, to deepen the studies in progress in these outrasinstituies of the area, and to diversify to deepen the formation of resources humanospara the region. Here we can observe that some institutions as UNIFAP eIEPA, for example, as well as many others many other institutions estofora of this process (grifo mine); b.Reformulao of the strategies of participation international scientific dacomunidade in the development of projects of interessedo /Brasil and of the institutions, of form permanently shared; c.Consolidao of the strategies of avanotecnolgico and the transference of knowledge for the society, with active aparticipao of this; d.Integrao of the national scientific community; e.Disseminao of knowledge on the wide Amazniaem scale in the national scene and international f.Formao of human resources and stimulaton aempreendedores, through a vast ample process of education, diferenciadopara the Amaznia, with the mobilization of the Universities of all the Country in diversasreas of the knowledge, extending the vacant number, extending offers of cursode after-graduation in mestrado and doutorado level of.

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