Caves Alistrati

Is a community center in the region and makes every effort to attract the attention of the rare in-a-kind natural workshop of the great sculptor – Caves Alistrati. This is a cave with a proven education for today the space of 25 000 square meters is unique in that virtually all of the corresponding surface is horizontal and is located on the stone formation. Residents the surrounding region was known about him from the stories of hunters and shepherds, or to hunt for wild pigeons, or from curiosity, fell into the hole. The first expedition to study the cave was made under guidance of a teacher Dmitri Yatridi in September 1958. In 1975, while the rural council Alistrati his letter made aware of the presence of caves speleological Service of Greece, which organized its research under the Professor of Theology and the beginning of paleontology at the University of Athens N. Simeonidi.

Nature at its mnogodeystvii for all-seeing eyes of an eagle vserozhdayuschee space and for the mole – the beauty that lies beneath the earth, in darkness and cold. Cave formation occur under the influence of chemical and mechanical processes that are initiated at the Earth's surface watercourses and have an impact on the subsoil and underground rock layers of calcium formations. Water, through all sorts of cracks, faults and irregularities, inherent, usually limestone penetrated inside, dissolves them in volume, creating all kinds of karst formations, such as underground corridors, deepening the hole and including – the cave. Delicious beauty with amazing cave Alistrati as natural ventilation in all its offices due to its emergence precisely this kind of phenomena that formed about 2 million years ago.

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