
Solteirona was called Vitalina, as it popularized it cantiga, the young man-old one that it is decorated – boot dust and takes off dust – but does not find husband. thus, the vitalina that was in carit is as who says that it was in the shelf, without use, forgotten, kept unbroken (INFORMAL, 2009). ‘ ‘ Boot dust, Vitalina and takes off young dust old does not leave carit’ more than; ‘. Raymond Blacksmith Rasp had two young women new was very pretty, however oldest she was half feiosa, had nose great was nicknamed Biquota. Certain time appeared a youngster of Crato of the family Souza to work in the farm Glad Mount, was of good appearance and if it got passionate for one of its children, new. The youngster asked for the young woman in marriage and everything was made right with the father of the fianc.

At that time it did not have namoro, the father it made right everything with the father of the fianc and the two if they saw in the day and the hour of the marriage. The priest came to make the marriage in the headquarters farm, the ceremony was celebrated the oil lamp light and the fianc appeared with the face covered for a thick veil. Everything was very fast as he had been combined with the priest. The party even bradou of dawn! Souza well was served with all the iguarias and alcoholic beverages. However, Mr. Raymond had made the marriage of Souza in the paper with the Biquota. When the party finished the couple if it collected to its aposentos in one of the aposentos of the great large house. The couple had a beautiful night of caresses and afagos, had slept until later. But that ackward surprise had the fianc when saw per the morning, that she was not loved its, but yes the Biquota!

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