Richelieu Estate

Pushkin glorified Gurzuf to 80s of the XIX century was a small Tatar village, next to which the estate of Senator II Fundukleya, transformed him from Vorontsov, who in turn bought it from the heirs Duke of Richelieu. The estate was famous for its old park and the wines aged in the cellars of the master's. In 1881 the estate was purchased Fundukleya from his heirs for 250 thousand rubles, the famous Russian railway tycoon Paul Gubonin. Gurzuf looked like at that time, we can judge from the descriptions in guidebooks and then a few notes of travelers, and these descriptions do not do the rainbow heralded the settlement. Gurzuf visited a year purchase of the estate Gubonin Princess Gorchakov, not without irritation noted: "Gurzuf not hospitable, especially on a holiday, all shops are closed, both stores are dirty incredibly, and with great difficulty, you'll get a glass of disgusting liquid, which the owner calls a cafe tea, and that not only refreshes, but it makes you breathe a sigh of light fountain, by which you were at the entrance to the village. " Gurzuf sentence handed down in 1882, VI Chuginym specifically investigated the therapeutic space of the Crimea, was deadly: "Complete lack of hygienic conditions of the village, the extreme discomfort of Communications villages along the coast, no desk, maids and other subsistence, awkward beach for swimming, expensive apartments, and so uncomfortable. All this gives us the right to not recommend this place not only to the grape cure, but even for a short stay in it. . .

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